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Functional & Dynamic 3D Nano- MicroDevices by Direct Multi-Photon Lithography

In this project we propose an approach aiming at fast and inexpensive development (prototyping) of functional 3D Nano- MicroDevices (NEMS/MEMS) . The approach aspires to become a novel gold standard for micro/nano-technologies, similarly to how 3D printing has become a cornerstone of manufacturing technologies in the last decade. In the last fifteen years, Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) and Nano Electro-Mechanical Systems (NEMS) produced a great impact on different market areas, ranging from automotive to consumer electronics and apparels sectors (e.g. employment of integrated accelerometers is nowadays ubiquitous), and new applications are emerging daily. Nevertheless, the full potential of MEMS is largely unexplored, since system development is a time-consuming and costly process, which often requires long simulation steps and expensive equipment. These limitations can be overcome by introducing a novel methodology for rapid prototyping of MEMS/NEMS which will not only speed up the design and validation processes, but also broaden the scope of micro-nanofabrication to structures and architectures (and functionalities) that are not achievable with standard techniques. To foster a change of paradigm we propose the 5D NanoPrinting approach, that will make it possible to develop fully 3D micro-/nano-structures on-demand, with functional materials (+1D, function), coupled with real-time control (+1D, time).

LogoEnteFinanziatore EU
Persone coinvolte
Virgilio Mattoli
Virgilio Mattoli
Mauro Gemmi
Mauro Gemmi
Electron Crystallography
Logo 5DNP
5D NanoPrinting
Data inizio
Data fine
Total budget: 997.833,75€
Total contribution: 997.833,75€